from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Union
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import scipy
def get_rotation_matrix(vec_start: npt.NDArray, vec_end: npt.NDArray) -> npt.NDArray:
Given a two (unit) vectors, vec_start and vec_end, this function calculates
the rotation matrix U, so that
U * vec_start = vec_end.
U the is rotation matrix that rotates vec_start to point in the direction
of vec_end.
vec_start, vec_end : npt.NDArray[np.float64]
Two vectors that should be aligned. Both vectors must have a l2-norm of 1.
The rotation matrix U as npt.NDArray with shape (3,3)
assert np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(vec_start), 1) and np.isclose(
np.linalg.norm(vec_end), 1
), "vec_start and vec_end must be unit vectors!"
v = np.cross(vec_start, vec_end)
c =, vec_end)
v_x = np.array([[0, -v[2], v[1]], [v[2], 0, -v[0]], [-v[1], v[0], 0]])
R = np.eye(3) + v_x + / (1 + c)
return R
def get_rotation_matrix_around_axis(axis: npt.NDArray, phi: float) -> npt.NDArray:
Generates a rotation matrix around a given vector.
axis : npt.NDArray
Axis around which the rotation is done.
phi : float
Angle of rotation around axis in radiants.
R : npt.NDArray
Rotation matrix
axis_vec = np.array(axis, dtype=np.float64)
axis_vec /= np.linalg.norm(axis_vec)
eye = np.eye(3, dtype=np.float64)
ddt = np.outer(axis_vec, axis_vec)
skew = np.array(
[0, axis_vec[2], -axis_vec[1]],
[-axis_vec[2], 0, axis_vec[0]],
[axis_vec[1], -axis_vec[0], 0],
R = ddt + np.cos(phi) * (eye - ddt) + np.sin(phi) * skew
return R
def get_rotation_matrix_around_z_axis(phi: float) -> npt.NDArray:
Generates a rotation matrix around the z axis.
phi : float
Angle of rotation around axis in radiants.
Rotation matrix
return get_rotation_matrix_around_axis(np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]), phi)
def get_mirror_matrix(normal_vector: npt.NDArray) -> npt.NDArray:
Generates a transformation matrix for mirroring through plane given by the
normal vector.
normal_vector : npt.NDArray
Normal vector of the mirror plane.
M : npt.NDArray
Mirror matrix
n_vec = normal_vector / np.linalg.norm(normal_vector)
eps = np.finfo(np.float64).eps
a = n_vec[0]
b = n_vec[1]
c = n_vec[2]
M = np.array(
[1 - 2 * a**2, -2 * a * b, -2 * a * c],
[-2 * a * b, 1 - 2 * b**2, -2 * b * c],
[-2 * a * c, -2 * b * c, 1 - 2 * c**2],
M[np.abs(M) < eps * 10] = 0
return M
def get_angle_between_vectors(
vector_1: npt.NDArray, vector_2: npt.NDArray
) -> npt.NDArray:
Determines angle between two vectors.
vector_1 : npt.NDArray
vector_2 : npt.NDArray
angle : float
Angle in radiants.
angle = (, vector_2) / np.linalg.norm(vector_1) / np.linalg.norm(vector_2)
return angle
def get_fractional_coords(
cartesian_coords: npt.NDArray, lattice_vectors: npt.NDArray
) -> npt.NDArray:
Transform cartesian coordinates into fractional coordinates.
cartesian_coords: [N x N_dim] numpy array
Cartesian coordinates of atoms (can be Nx2 or Nx3)
lattice_vectors: [N_dim x N_dim] numpy array:
Matrix of lattice vectors: Each ROW corresponds to one lattice vector!
fractional_coords: [N x N_dim] numpy array
Fractional coordinates of atoms
fractional_coords = np.linalg.solve(lattice_vectors.T, cartesian_coords.T)
return fractional_coords.T
def get_cartesian_coords(
frac_coords: npt.NDArray, lattice_vectors: npt.NDArray
) -> npt.NDArray:
Transform fractional coordinates into cartesian coordinates.
frac_coords: [N x N_dim] numpy array
Fractional coordinates of atoms (can be Nx2 or Nx3)
lattice_vectors: [N_dim x N_dim] numpy array:
Matrix of lattice vectors: Each ROW corresponds to one lattice vector!
cartesian_coords: [N x N_dim] numpy array
Cartesian coordinates of atoms
return, lattice_vectors)
def get_cross_correlation_function(
signal_0: npt.NDArray,
signal_1: npt.NDArray,
detrend: bool = False,
) -> npt.NDArray:
Calculate the autocorrelation function for a given signal.
signal_0 : 1D npt.NDArray
First siganl for which the correlation function should be calculated.
signal_1 : 1D npt.NDArray
Second siganl for which the correlation function should be calculated.
correlation : npt.NDArray
Autocorrelation function from 0 to max_lag.
if detrend:
signal_0 = scipy.signal.detrend(signal_0)
signal_1 = scipy.signal.detrend(signal_1)
# cross_correlation = np.correlate(signal_0, signal_1, mode='same')
cross_correlation = np.correlate(signal_0, signal_1, mode="full")
cross_correlation = cross_correlation[cross_correlation.size // 2 :]
# normalize by number of overlapping data points
cross_correlation /= np.arange(cross_correlation.size, 0, -1)
cutoff = int(cross_correlation.size * 0.75)
cross_correlation = cross_correlation[:cutoff]
return cross_correlation
def get_autocorrelation_function_manual_lag(
signal: npt.NDArray, max_lag: int
) -> npt.NDArray:
Alternative method to determine the autocorrelation function for a given
signal that used numpy.corrcoef. This function allows to set the lag
signal : 1D npt.NDArray
Siganl for which the autocorrelation function should be calculated.
max_lag : Union[None, int]
Autocorrelation will be calculated for a range of 0 to max_lag,
where max_lag is the largest lag for the calculation of the
autocorrelation function
autocorrelation : npt.NDArray
Autocorrelation function from 0 to max_lag.
lag = npt.NDArray(range(max_lag))
autocorrelation = np.array([np.nan] * max_lag)
for l in lag:
if l == 0:
corr = 1.0
corr = np.corrcoef(signal[l:], signal[:-l])[0][1]
autocorrelation[l] = corr
return autocorrelation
def lorentzian(
x: Union[float, npt.NDArray], a: float, b: float, c: float
) -> Union[float, npt.NDArray]:
Returns a Lorentzian function.
x : Union[float, npt.NDArray]
Argument x of f(x) --> y.
a : float
Maximum of Lorentzian.
b : float
Width of Lorentzian.
c : float
Magnitude of Lorentzian.
f : Union[float, npt.NDArray]
Outupt of a Lorentzian function.
# f = c / (np.pi * b * (1.0 + ((x - a) / b) ** 2)) # +d
f = c / (1.0 + ((x - a) / (b / 2.0)) ** 2) # +d
return f
def gaussian_window(N, std=0.4):
Generate a Gaussian window.
N : int
Number of points in the window.
std : float
Standard deviation of the Gaussian window, normalized
such that the maximum value occurs at the center of the window.
window : np.array
Gaussian window of length N.
n = np.linspace(-1, 1, N)
window = np.exp(-0.5 * (n / std) ** 2)
return window
def apply_gaussian_window(data, std=0.4):
Apply a Gaussian window to an array.
data : np.array
Input data array to be windowed.
std : float
Standard deviation of the Gaussian window.
windowed_data : np.array
Windowed data array.
N = len(data)
window = gaussian_window(N, std)
windowed_data = data * window
return windowed_data
def hann_window(N):
Generate a Hann window.
N : int
Number of points in the window.
Hann window of length N.
return 0.5 * (1 - np.cos(2 * np.pi * np.arange(N) / (N - 1)))
def apply_hann_window(data):
Apply a Hann window to an array.
data : np.ndarray
Input data array to be windowed.
Windowed data array.
N = len(data)
window = hann_window(N)
windowed_data = data * window
return windowed_data
def norm_matrix_by_dagonal(matrix: npt.NDArray) -> npt.NDArray:
Norms a matrix such that the diagonal becomes 1.
| a_11 a_12 a_13 | | 1 a'_12 a'_13 |
| a_21 a_22 a_23 | --> | a'_21 1 a'_23 |
| a_31 a_32 a_33 | | a'_31 a'_32 1 |
matrix : npt.NDArray
Matrix that should be normed.
matrix : npt.NDArray
Normed matrix.
diagonal = np.array(np.diagonal(matrix))
L = diagonal == 0.0
diagonal[L] = 1.0
new_matrix = deepcopy(matrix)
new_matrix /= np.sqrt(
np.tile(diagonal, (matrix.shape[1], 1)).T
* np.tile(diagonal, (matrix.shape[0], 1))
return new_matrix
def mae(delta: np.ndarray) -> np.floating:
Calculated the mean absolute error from a list of value differnces.
delta : np.ndarray
Array containing differences
mean absolute error
return np.mean(np.abs(delta))
def rel_mae(delta: np.ndarray, target_val: np.ndarray) -> np.floating:
Calculated the relative mean absolute error from a list of value differnces,
given the target values.
delta : np.ndarray
Array containing differences
target_val : np.ndarray
Array of target values against which the difference should be compared
relative mean absolute error
target_norm = np.mean(np.abs(target_val))
return np.mean(np.abs(delta)).item() / (target_norm + 1e-9)
def rmse(delta: np.ndarray) -> float:
Calculated the root mean sqare error from a list of value differnces.
delta : np.ndarray
Array containing differences
root mean square error
return np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(delta)))
def rel_rmse(delta: np.ndarray, target_val: np.ndarray) -> float:
Calculated the relative root mean sqare error from a list of value differnces,
given the target values.
delta : np.ndarray
Array containing differences
target_val : np.ndarray
Array of target values against which the difference should be compared
relative root mean sqare error
target_norm = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(target_val)))
return np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(delta))) / (target_norm + 1e-9)
def get_moving_average(signal: npt.NDArray[np.float64], window_size: int):
Cacluated the moving average and the variance around the moving average.
signal : npt.NDArray[np.float64]
Signal for which the moving average should be calculated.
window_size : int
Window size for the mocing average.
moving_avg : TYPE
Moving average.
variance : TYPE
Variance around the moving average.
moving_avg = np.convolve(signal, np.ones(window_size) / window_size, mode="valid")
variance = np.array(
np.var(signal[i : i + window_size])
for i in range(len(signal) - window_size + 1)
return moving_avg, variance