Source code for dfttoolkit.utils.vibrations_utils

import os
import warnings
from ast import literal_eval
from typing import Tuple

import dfttoolkit.utils.math_utils as mu
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from numba import njit, prange
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.linalg import solve_toeplitz
from scipy.optimize import brentq, curve_fit
from scipy.signal import argrelextrema

# get environment variable for parallelisation in numba
parallel_numba = os.environ.get("parallel_numba")
if parallel_numba is None:
    warnings.warn("System variable <parallel_numba> not set. Using default!")
    parallel_numba = True
    parallel_numba = literal_eval(parallel_numba)

[docs] def get_cross_correlation_function( signal_0: npt.NDArray, signal_1: npt.NDArray, bootstrapping_blocks: int = 1 ) -> npt.NDArray: assert ( signal_0.size == signal_1.size ), f"The parameters signal_0 and signal_1 \ must have the same size but they are {signal_0.size} and {signal_1.size}." signal_length = len(signal_0) block_size = int(np.floor(signal_length / bootstrapping_blocks)) cross_correlation = [] for block in range(bootstrapping_blocks): block_start = block * block_size block_end = (block + 1) * block_size if block_end > signal_length: block_end = signal_length signal_0_block = signal_0[block_start:block_end] signal_1_block = signal_1[block_start:block_end] cross_correlation_block = mu.get_cross_correlation_function( signal_0_block, signal_1_block ) cross_correlation.append(cross_correlation_block) cross_correlation = np.atleast_2d(cross_correlation) cross_correlation = np.mean(cross_correlation, axis=0) return cross_correlation
# TODO Fix docstrings and types
[docs] def get_cross_spectrum( signal_0: npt.NDArray, signal_1: npt.NDArray, time_step: float, bootstrapping_blocks: int = 1, bootstrapping_overlap: int = 0, zero_padding: int = 0, cutoff_at_last_maximum: bool = False, window_function: str = "none", ) -> (np.array, np.array): """ Determine the cross spectrum for a given signal using bootstrapping: - Splitting the sigmal into blocks and for each block: * Determining the cross correlation function of the signal * Determining the fourire transform of the autocorrelation function to get the power spectrum for the block - Calculating the average power spectrum by averaging of the power spectra of all blocks Parameters ---------- signal_0 : 1D np.array First siganl for which the correlation function should be calculated. signal_1 : 1D np.array Second siganl for which the correlation function should be calculated. time_step : float DESCRIPTION. bootstrapping_blocks : int, default=1 DESCRIPTION bootstrapping_overlap : int, default=0 DESCRIPTION zero_padding : int, default=0 Pad the cross correlation function with zeros to increase the frequency resolution of the FFT. This also avoids the effect of varying spectral leakage. However, it artificially broadens the resulting cross spectrum and introduces wiggles. cutoff_at_last_maximum : bool, default=False Cut off the cross correlation function at the last maximum to hide spectral leakage. Returns ------- frequencies : np.array Frequiencies of the power spectrum in units depending on the tims_step. cross_spectrum : np.array Power spectrum. """ assert ( signal_0.size == signal_1.size ), f"The parameters signal_0 and signal_1 \ must have the same size but they are {signal_0.size} and {signal_1.size}." signal_length = len(signal_0) block_size = int( np.floor( signal_length * (1 + bootstrapping_overlap) / (bootstrapping_blocks + bootstrapping_overlap) ) ) frequencies = None cross_spectrum = [] for block in range(bootstrapping_blocks): block_start = int(np.ceil(block * block_size / (1 + bootstrapping_overlap))) if block_start < 0: block_start = 0 block_end = block_start + block_size if block_end > signal_length: block_end = signal_length # print(signal_length, block_size, block_start, block_end) signal_0_block = signal_0[block_start:block_end] signal_1_block = signal_1[block_start:block_end] if window_function == "gaussian": signal_0_block = mu.apply_gaussian_window(signal_0_block) signal_1_block = mu.apply_gaussian_window(signal_1_block) elif window_function == "hann": signal_0_block = mu.apply_hann_window(signal_0_block) signal_1_block = mu.apply_hann_window(signal_1_block) cross_correlation = mu.get_cross_correlation_function( signal_0_block, signal_1_block ) # truncate cross correlation function at last maximum if cutoff_at_last_maximum: cutoff_index = get_last_maximum(cross_correlation) cross_correlation = cross_correlation[:cutoff_index] # add zero padding if zero_padding < len(cross_correlation): zero_padding = len(cross_correlation) cross_correlation = np.pad( cross_correlation, (0, zero_padding - len(cross_correlation)), "constant", ) frequencies_block, cross_spectrum_block = mu.get_fourier_transform( cross_correlation, time_step ) if block == 0: frequencies = frequencies_block else: f = interp1d( frequencies_block, cross_spectrum_block, kind="linear", fill_value="extrapolate", ) cross_spectrum_block = f(frequencies) cross_spectrum.append(np.abs(cross_spectrum_block)) cross_spectrum = np.atleast_2d(cross_spectrum) cross_spectrum = np.average(cross_spectrum, axis=0) return frequencies, cross_spectrum
[docs] def get_cross_spectrum_mem( signal_0: npt.NDArray, signal_1: npt.NDArray, time_step, model_order, n_freqs=512 ): """ Estimate the power spectral density (PSD) of a time series using the Maximum Entropy Method (MEM). Parameters: - x: array-like, time series data. - p: int, model order (number of poles). Controls the smoothness and resolution of the PSD. - n_freqs: int, number of frequency bins for the PSD. Returns: - freqs: array of frequency bins. - psd: array of PSD values at each frequency. """ # Calculate the autocorrelation of the time series autocorr = np.correlate(signal_0, signal_1, mode="full") / len(signal_0) autocorr = autocorr[len(autocorr) // 2 : len(autocorr) // 2 + model_order + 1] # Create a Toeplitz matrix from the autocorrelation function # R = toeplitz(autocorr[:-1]) r = autocorr[1:] # Solve for the model coefficients using the Yule-Walker equations model_coeffs = solve_toeplitz((autocorr[:-1], autocorr[:-1]), r) # model_coeffs = solve_toeplitz((R, R.T), r) # Compute the PSD from the model coefficients # Normalized frequency (Nyquist = 0.5) freqs = np.linspace(0, 0.5, n_freqs) psd = np.zeros(n_freqs) for i, f in enumerate(freqs): z = np.exp(-2j * np.pi * f) denominator = 1 - model_coeffs, [z ** (-k) for k in range(1, model_order + 1)] ) psd[i] = 1.0 / np.abs(denominator) ** 2 return freqs / time_step, psd
[docs] def get_last_maximum(x: npt.NDArray): maxima = argrelextrema(x, np.greater_equal)[0] # roots = argrelextrema(-np.abs(x), np.greater_equal)[0] last_maximum = maxima[-1] if last_maximum == len(x) - 1: last_maximum = maxima[-2] # plt.plot( x ) # plt.plot( maxima, x[maxima], 'o' ) # plt.plot( last_maximum, x[last_maximum], 'o' ) return last_maximum
[docs] def lorentzian_fit(frequencies, power_spectrum, p_0=None, filter_maximum=0): if filter_maximum: delete_ind = np.argmax(power_spectrum) delete_ind = np.array( range(delete_ind - filter_maximum + 1, delete_ind + filter_maximum) ) frequencies = np.delete(frequencies, delete_ind) power_spectrum = np.delete(power_spectrum, delete_ind) max_ind = np.argmax(power_spectrum) if p_0 is None: # determine reasonable starting parameters a_0 = frequencies[max_ind] b_0 = np.abs(frequencies[1] - frequencies[0]) c_0 = np.max(power_spectrum) p_0 = [a_0, b_0, c_0] try: res, _ = curve_fit(mu.lorentzian, frequencies, power_spectrum, p0=p_0) except RuntimeError: res = [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan] return res
[docs] def get_peak_parameters(frequencies, power_spectrum): max_ind = np.argmax(power_spectrum) frequency = frequencies[max_ind] half_max = power_spectrum[max_ind] / 2.0 f_interp = interp1d(frequencies, power_spectrum, kind="cubic") # Define a function to find roots (y - half_max) def f_half_max(x_val): return f_interp(x_val) - half_max # Find roots (i.e., the points where the function crosses the half maximum) root1 = brentq( f_half_max, frequencies[0], frequencies[max_ind] ) # Left intersection root2 = brentq( f_half_max, frequencies[max_ind], frequencies[-1] ) # Right intersection # Calculate the FWHM line_width = np.abs(root1 - root2) res = [frequency, line_width, power_spectrum[max_ind]] return res
[docs] def get_line_widths( frequencies, power_spectrum, filter_maximum=True, use_lorentzian=True ): res = [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan] if use_lorentzian: res = lorentzian_fit(frequencies, power_spectrum, filter_maximum=filter_maximum) if np.isnan(res[0]): res = get_peak_parameters(frequencies, power_spectrum) frequency = res[0] line_width = res[1] life_time = 1.0 / line_width return frequency, line_width, life_time
[docs] def get_normal_mode_decomposition( velocities: npt.NDArray, eigenvectors: npt.NDArray, use_numba: bool = True, ) -> npt.NDArray: """ Calculate the normal-mode-decomposition of the velocities. This is done by projecting the atomic velocities onto the vibrational eigenvectors. See equation 10 in: Parameters ---------- velocities : np.array Array containing the velocities from an MD trajectory structured in the following way: [number of time steps, number of atoms, number of dimensions]. eigenvectors : np.array Array of eigenvectors structured in the following way: [number of frequencies, number of atoms, number of dimensions]. Returns ------- velocities_projected : np.array Velocities projected onto the eigenvectors structured as follows: [number of time steps, number of frequencies] """ # Projection in vibration coordinates velocities_projected = np.zeros( (velocities.shape[0], eigenvectors.shape[0]), dtype=np.complex128 ) if use_numba: # Get normal mode decompositon parallelised by numba _get_normal_mode_decomposition_numba( velocities_projected, velocities, eigenvectors.conj() ) else: _get_normal_mode_decomposition_numpy( velocities_projected, velocities, eigenvectors.conj() ) return velocities_projected
@njit(parallel=parallel_numba, fastmath=True) def _get_normal_mode_decomposition_numba( velocities_projected, velocities, eigenvectors ) -> None: # number_of_cell_atoms = velocities.shape[1] # number_of_frequencies = eigenvectors.shape[0] # for k in range(number_of_frequencies): # for n in range(velocities.shape[0]): # for i in prange(number_of_cell_atoms): # for m in prange(velocities.shape[2]): # velocities_projected[n, k] += ( # velocities[n, i, m] * eigenvectors[k, i, m] # ) number_of_timesteps, number_of_cell_atoms, velocity_components = velocities.shape number_of_frequencies = eigenvectors.shape[0] # Loop over all frequencies for k in prange(number_of_frequencies): # Loop over all timesteps for n in prange(number_of_timesteps): # Temporary variable to accumulate the projection result for this frequency and timestep projection_sum = 0.0 # Loop over atoms and components for i in range(number_of_cell_atoms): for m in range(velocity_components): projection_sum += velocities[n, i, m] * eigenvectors[k, i, m] # Store the result in the projected velocities array velocities_projected[n, k] = projection_sum def _get_normal_mode_decomposition_numpy( velocities_projected, velocities, eigenvectors ) -> None: # Use einsum to perform the double summation over cell atoms and time steps velocities_projected += np.einsum("tij,kij->tk", velocities, eigenvectors.conj()) # number_of_cell_atoms = velocities.shape[1] # number_of_frequencies = eigenvectors.shape[0] # # Projection in phonon coordinate # for k in range(number_of_frequencies): # for i in range(number_of_cell_atoms): # velocities_projected[:, k] += # velocities[:, i, :], eigenvectors[k, i, :].conj() # )